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下拉式終端的魅力,以及 Mac 上 iTerm2 應該如何配置

In this article, we will explore the charm of drop-down terminals and how to configure iTerm2's drop-down mode on the Mac operating system.


In my sophomore year, I didn't like the appearance of the xfce desktop environment in Manjaro. Coincidentally, the rolling update broke the system, so I switched to the KDE desktop environment in Manjaro. Since then, I have formed an indissoluble bond with Yakuake, a drop-down terminal. This elegant tool deeply impressed me and I can no longer live without a drop-down terminal.

Why is it elegant? - Principles and Advantages#

A drop-down terminal, such as Yakuake, is a terminal emulator that slides down from the top of the screen. It can be quickly invoked by a simple shortcut key, providing users with a convenient way to access the command line.


The design concept of a drop-down terminal is simple and efficient. By triggering a global shortcut key (I directly used F1), the terminal smoothly slides down from the top of the screen with a smooth animation effect, presenting an interactive command line interface to the user. Pressing the shortcut key again, the terminal gracefully slides back and hides, without occupying screen space. This design brings many advantages:

  • Instant availability: No matter what task is currently being performed, simply press the shortcut key to immediately bring up the terminal without interrupting the workflow.
  • Space-saving: Unlike traditional terminal windows, the drop-down terminal only appears when needed and does not occupy screen space for a long time, without interfering with the display of other applications.
  • Improved efficiency: No need to switch windows frequently, saving time and energy, especially suitable for users who need to use the terminal frequently. The important thing is that your fingers never have to leave the keyboard. That's efficiency.

How to configure? - How to configure iTerm2's drop-down mode on Mac#

Although Yakuake is mainly targeted at the KDE environment, similar tools are also available in other operating systems. For example, on the Mac operating system, iTerm2 is a popular terminal emulator that also has a drop-down terminal feature (called Hotkey windows). Here are the brief steps to configure iTerm2:

  1. Download and install iTerm2:
    Downloads - iTerm2 - macOS Terminal Replacement
  2. Open iTerm2 and click the menu iTerm2 > Settings.
  3. In the Settings window, select the Keys tab > Create a Dedicated Hotkey Window
  4. After clicking Hotkey, record the shortcut key and click ok (I use the violent F1)
  5. In the new Profile, you can set personalized options such as appearance, color, and font. (Select Screen with Cursor in the Screen section to open the terminal with the screen where the cursor is located)
  6. After the configuration is complete, you can use the set shortcut key to invoke and hide the drop-down terminal.

Historical Origins#

Yakuake's initial design inspiration came from the drop-down console in the Quake game. This feature in the Quake game allows players to open a terminal-like interface in the game to enter commands. Yakuake introduced this concept into the desktop environment, providing users with a more efficient and convenient way to use the terminal.
