

nintendo switch

About Me - 21st Century Command Line Engineer - v0.3

Hello everyone#

First, let me say hello to everyone at xLog. The reason I chose VA-11 Hall-A as my first article is because I feel like I've finally found my own cyber bar. Yes, it's xLog.

Character Setting - Plagiarism Monster?#

The core personality is to learn from others, which is mainly my personal master setting. Its character is no character, and the main content is change.

  • Different personalities in different periods: The key is curiosity and adaptability. The common way of thinking is "If it were XXX, what would he do?"
  • Very good at learning from people around him, with strong learning ability: His style is not fixed, and he has someone he is chasing after in every period. Just like Roxy Lalonde in Homestuck. A character who counterattacks and rises to power with a black belly and scheming? Although a bit dark, constantly surpassing and changing, full of curiosity is his main theme.
  • Has a low threshold for liking something: Very easy to like all kinds of things?
  • Has a deceptive attribute: Although he often speaks honestly, in fact, he often deceives himself (Actually, it belongs to a hidden mental barrier and cannot face the true self).
  • Lacks a sense of responsibility: Instead of a sense of responsibility, he tends to follow his own desires. For example, instead of working on a deadline, he prefers to procrastinate for a few more minutes.
  • Vain and self-esteem: Unnecessary self-esteem is too strong, and it's a bit like paranoid delusion.

As a supplement, niracler should belong to the type of person who desires change but cannot keep up with actions. He often thinks a lot but does little.

So niracler's core should be a personality compatible with all other personalities. The deceptive attribute should be correct. You have to deceive yourself before you can imitate others. The lack of a sense of responsibility and the vanity and self-esteem should be conflicting, so these two points need to be changed. (It may not necessarily need to be changed, because the deceptive attribute can cover one's own personality with other personalities)

Skills - Shell Engineer of the 21st Century?#

It's hard for me to explain what I do for a living. My main job is the development of the open-source project x-cmd, and I have accumulated a lot of shell-related tricks~ (~span[As for contributions, I probably have less than 5%, the boss is too strong]{.spoiler}~)

  • GitHub account: niracler
  • The technology stack is quite scattered, and I will gradually supplement it in the future~~

During my university years, I mainly focused on Python and NLP basics.

Updated on 20240717: I have resigned~~

Constraints and Vows - Boomerang🪃?#

This is the "maximization of Nen ability enhancement achieved by publicly reciting Nen ability intelligence". Similar to the rules of vows and constraints in Hunter x Hunter, it is simply a setting where determination, effort, and risk bring enhancement. (Just kidding🤣Often, what I say becomes a prophecy, and I can't do it after I say it~)

Interests - Mainly ACG?#

It's mainly games, comics, animations, reading, and chatting with others.


When it comes to games, I really enjoy playing and I hope to have someone to play with me online. But instinctively, I have a resistance to competitive games, so I don't play popular competitive games like League of Legends, Honor of Kings, and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, as well as MMORPGs. The game I play the most is probably cooperative, creative, and management games like Minecraft. In college, I looked at the game time on Steam (most of my games are on Steam), so the game time in college was about 300 hours.

  • Nintendo Switch: SW-6834-9780-4695

Anime and Manga#

When it comes to anime and manga, I actually mainly watch them, but I don't analyze them in depth. I just use them for entertainment. I have probably watched over 200 anime series and read over 300 manga series in high school. After college, I didn't keep track anymore. You can check my records on Douban and Bangumi.


Surprisingly, I might prefer listening to audio. In college, I listened to audio for over 800 hours. This is because our school's dormitory and teaching area are a bit far away, and it takes an hour to commute back and forth three times a day. So I developed the habit of listening to various audio on the way. But if there are classmates around, I prioritize chatting with them.

In terms of reading, I read about one book per month, but they are generally not technical books. I mainly read more literary classics, which I listen to during the time I mentioned earlier. I listen to Western classics like "A Tale of Two Cities," "Gone with the Wind," "The Metamorphosis," and "Perfume" more. But in fact, I mainly read for entertainment and don't delve too much into the plots.


  • Want to go to more places and meet different people.
  • I'm an introverted chatterbox. Once I encounter something I'm interested in, I won't stop talking. Welcome to my Telegram channel.
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