

nintendo switch

Elegant Philosophy-v2.0

This is to maximize the amplification of Nen ability achieved through "publicly reading Nen ability information". Similar to the rules of constraints and commitments in Hunter x Hunter, it can be simplified as the setting where awareness/effort and risk bring about amplification. (Just kidding 🤣)


  1. Adequate Sleep (8h/day): Avoid using electronic devices in bed, keep sleeping and working areas separate, and charge devices outside the bedroom at night.
  2. Exercise (3.5h/week): 3 times a week strength training, with intensity maintained at an average of 140 BPM.
  3. Posture Adjustment (sitting, standing, etc.): Strength training can help alleviate bad habits, combined with videos from Three Words Physical Therapy to improve posture.

Financial Management#

  1. Financial Restraint: Prepare a shopping cart and place orders on the 28th of each month, and only buy offline in emergencies. Adhere to the principle of "buy as much as you handle".
  2. Accounting (1t/week): Use YNAB to know your limits and avoid overspending. (TODO: Accounting details)

Dietary Habits#

  1. 16/8 Intermittent Fasting: No eating before lunch and after dinner, as well as sugary drinks. (May need to adjust to 20/4 after work)

Learning x Thinking x Self-reflection#

  1. Use Your Brain: After seriously reading something, force yourself to output it in various forms to deepen your understanding. For example, the Feynman Technique. When finishing a work, never just turn around and leave, try to comment on a specific point. But don't comment randomly, the daily limit for comments is one.
  2. Responsibility: Fulfill promises made to others, but the key is "not to make promises lightly" and understand your own "capacity".
  3. Foreign Languages: After learning a language, it is meant to be used, so try not to rely on translations when reading foreign materials, including ACG works.
  4. Record Life: Write a short diary every day, so that your future self can know how foolish you were in the past.
  5. Focus: Only focus on one thing for a period of time. There are too many things to do that attention becomes scattered. Whether it's animation, manga, games, books, or learning materials. (TODO: Random item details)



After a 3-month summer vacation, I revised my rhythm. The previous version seemed ideal, but its feasibility was questionable. However, this version may also be one of those "talk the talk but can hardly walk the walk" LOSER behaviors 🤣.

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